Group Pictures in Non-Senshi Form
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~ Original Artwork! ~

[Edited Manga] [Edited Anime, KiSS & Coloring Book]

By Chakra (Chibi Dathomir)
 Chaka (middle - Chibi Dathomir) and her odangoed buddies,  Kairiku (Chibi Naboo) and Sutaru (Corellia)  (173402 bytes) How I imagine some of the chibis will look like when they are older (20's) - Kairiku (Chibi Naboo), Audra (Alderaan),  Neburaa (Nebula), Chakra (Chibi Dathomir), Melesse (Chibi Mimban), Aisu (Chibi Hoth) and Sutaru (Corellia)    (208443 bytes) Chakra (Chibi Dathomir) and some of her dearest! - Annika (Bakura), Sutaru (Corellia), Kairiku (Chibi Naboo), Nom (Dathomir), Obi-Wan and Anakin    (173191 bytes)
Melesse (Chibi Mimban), Chakra (Chibi Dathomir) and Aisu (Chibi Hoth) at about 12 yrs. or so.  (181627 bytes) Chakra (Chibi Dathomir), Kairiku (Chibi Naboo) with her hair down and Sutaru (Corellia)   (181221 bytes) Hisako and Aisu (Chibi Hoth), Anakin and Padme, Aiyetoro and Kairiku (Chibi Naboo)  (155933 bytes) Sisterhood!!  Beyond simply bloodline.  (200927 bytes)

By Chikako (Myrkr)
Fun in the Rooms Behind the Waterfall!!   (290877 bytes) Numako, Zyta and Audra being themselves!  (80742 bytes)
Kumoko (Bespin), Chikako (Myrkr), Ippin (Yavin), Yoshiko (Chibi Tatooine), Peetie and Mika (Yavin IV)  (146088 bytes) all the brunette senshi  (170580 bytes)
Chikako (Myrkr), Koumi (Kessel),  Numako (Dagobah),  Audra (Alderaan) and Oola (Ryloth)    (37469 bytes)
All the odangoed senshi!  (252685 bytes)
  Yukiko (Hoth), Kairiku (Chibi Naboo), Xarae (Iridonia), Annika (Bakura), Kirana (Omwat), Minae (Honoghr), Priire (Asteroid), Chikako (Myrkr), Chouko (Chibi Dantooine) and Ippin (Yavin)   (203594 bytes) The Ice Senshi!  Miyuki (Aquaris), Yukiko (Hoth) and Aisu (Chibi Hoth)   (122921 bytes) Chibis in nightgowns with paper lanterns  (167321 bytes)
Three senshi based on Mercury - Miyuki (Aquaris), Ciel (Centrali) and Chikako (Myrkr)   (47118 bytes) Many fairies!!  See if you can tell which is which by their attributes!!  :)  (181917 bytes)Peetie's Crush! - A doting Peetie, a Vader-quoting Yoshiko (Chibi Tatooine),  an ignorant Kairiku (Chibi Naboo) and an oblivious Anakin  (176319 bytes)

By Tashita (Eclipse)
Riku, Ippin (Yavin) and Tanrei (Chibi Yavin)  (14766 bytes)

By Chouko (Chibi Dantooine)
Shikuku (Raltiir), Arekanderu (Mon Gazza Knight) and Burue (Sailor Mon Gazza)    (184289 bytes)The Dantooine Family as angels - drawn by Chouko (Chibi Dantooine)  (142163 bytes)

By Priire (Asteroid)
The Original 5 - Kyoko (Naboo), Zyta (Tatooine), Mara (Vjun), Kumoko (Bespin) and Yukiko (Hoth) - drawn by Priire   (80431 bytes)