Non-Transforming Characters, Page 1

These pages are dedicated to describing the lives of characters who, although not senshi or villains, play an important role in the SWSS saga. The names in parentheses are those of the Senshi to whom the non-transforming character is most closely connected.

Naito Maiko (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Nyssa (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Kamaria (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Justen (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Yuria (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Leilani Samara (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Nuri (Chikako/Sailor Myrkr)
Kiruon (Xarae/Sailor Iridonia)
Master19 (Xarae/Sailor Iridonia)
Khameir Sarin (Xarae/Sailor Iridonia)
Kirran (Koumi/Sailor Kessel)
Mugen Akarui (Koumi/Sailor Kessel)
Yuri Riku (Ippin/Sailor Yavin)
Kaden LeBeau (Kirana/Sailor Omwat)
Kishi (Annika/Sailor Bakura)
Peetie (Yoshiko/Sailor Chibi Tatooine)

Name: Naito Maiko
Stories Maiko Appears In: Chikako: The First Daydream; The Children of the Prophecy; Mai-Mai's Secret, Enigma and Exposition
Meaning: Maiko - "dancing girl"
Age: 18
Birthdate: October 17
Home: she grew up on Myrkr but wasn't born there; now she's in college on Alderaan
Hobbies: dancing, playing sports
Hair: black; long, straight, and thick
Eyes: dark brown
Clothes: pretty and feminine, but always wears her brown leather dance shoes
Relation to Senshi: Chikako/Sailor Myrkr's best friend from Myrkr; travels to Alderaan with the Senshi and hangs out with them while they're there

Maiko and Chikako have been best friends for more than ten years. She is the best berryad (like soccer) player on Myrkr. Maiko is the more outgoing of the two usually. She looks very delicate and pretty, but she doesn't have a problem standing up for herself. Maiko discovered she was Force sensitive as soon as she left Myrkr in the Black Fire Dreamer. She has more of the "I have a bad feeling about this" variety and less of the "duck because Jar Jar is about to spin around and hit you with his ear" variety of the Force; but regardless, she is too old to train as a Jedi and is having trouble adjusting to the new sense, especially since she can't see what good it is.

Name: Nyssa
Stories Nyssa Appears In: Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: "beginning"
Relation to Senshi: Chikako/Sailor Myrkr's real mother
Lives: died many centuries ago; lived on Myrkr till it was invaded by dark soldiers; later settled on Coruscant with her youngest daughter Kamaria Appearance: very long brown hair done up in an elaborate ponytail and brown eyes
Other Info: Force sensitive; was trained as a warrior but was never in battle; gave her necklace to her daughter Kamaria and made her promise to go back to Myrkr for Chikako if she could

Name: Kamaria
Stories Kamaria Appears In: Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: "like the moon"
Relation to Senshi: Chikako's younger sister, born after her mother Nyssa left Myrkr
Lives: On Coruscant many centuries before the Senshis' time
Appearance: short platinum blonde hair and big blue eyes
Other Info: becomes a Jedi; was never able to go back to Myrkr, but passed her mother's necklace on to her daughter, who was never able to return, either

Name: Justen
Stories Justen Appears In: Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: "upright"
Relation to Senshi: Chikako/Sailor Myrkr's real father; wrote the book she finds called "The True Kingdom of the World of Myrkr"
Lives: on Myrkr, several centuries before the Senshi' time; died fighting against the dark soldiers
Appearance: short blonde hair, but not so short that it doesn't flop into his blue eyes at inconvenient times
Other Info: a General for the True King of Myrkr; uses the Force; makes Chikako ("The Sailor") fall into a deep sleep by removing the purple flower she wears

Name: Yuria
Stories Yuria Appears In: Chikako: The First Daydream and More Than a Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: "Jehovah is my light"
Relation to Senshi: Leilani Samara's husband, who raised Chikako/Sailor Myrkr as his daughter; she still considers him her dad
Lives: on Myrkr
Appearance: blue eyes, sort of long brownish-gray hair
Other Info: Yuria is an ex-smuggler. He likes to garden.

Name: Leilani Samara
Stories Leilani Appears In: Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: Leilani - "heavenly flower"; Samara - "used by God"
Relation to Senshi: Yuria's wife, the woman who "woke up" Chikako/Sailor Myrkr and raised her as her daughter; a very distant descendant of Chikako's real mother, Nyssa
Lives: died on Myrkr about 13 years ago
Appearance: very long brown hair; brown eyes
Other Info: was once a handmaiden to Mori Hoshi/Sailor Kashyyyk's mother; finally fulfilled the promise of Nyssa's necklace

Name: Nuri
Stories Nuri Appears In: Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
Meaning: "fire"
Relation to Senshi: a being who guards Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Lives: a really long time, maybe forever; stays on Myrkr for a while, at least; is usually unseen
Appearance: a huge column of orange fire

Name: Kiruon
Stories Kiruon Appears In: Xarae's Saga
Meaning: "gentle breeze"
Age: 31
Birthdate: January 7
Hair: shoulder length, dark brown
Eyes: bright blue
Relation to Senshi: Xarae/Sailor Iridonia's older sister

Xarae's sister and closest friend, Kiruon is five years older at the age of 31. Xarae shares all her secrets with Kiruon, even ones that she doesn't with Maul. Kiruon has accompanied her sister through thick and through thin and is always there by her side to offer advice or just lend a shoulder to lean on. She is a very talented seamstress and loves children. She would always be there when Xarae needed a babysitter!

Name: Master19 (Vidna)
Stories Master19 Appears In: Check Please, Xarae, Nightingale, Xarae, Firebird! Destiny's Phoenix Awakens!, The Angel Of Music!, The Garden of Glass Hearts; Golden Roses: An Angel's Wedding
Meaning: "calm winds"
Age: unknown
Birthdate: unknown
Hair: silver; incredibly long
Eyes: icy blue
Relation to Senshi: Xarae/Sailor Iridonia's mentor; taught her how to be a senshi

Master19 is the third Guardian of the Ninenteenth Gate, the gate to the Ten Paradises. Her duty is to make sure people die when their destiny says they should. If people die before they have fulfilled their purpose or their destiny for some reason, it is her job to send them back to where they came from as an angel. She took over for Master17 when she died, but her memories of her life as Master13 and Master17 were erased.

When Xarae died in her first life, Master19 sent her back to Coruscant as Maul's guardian angel. After Maul died in a duel with Obi-Wan, he was allowed to pass into the Ten Paradises, but Xarae was not. Her destiny was to become Sailor Iridonia and defeat or hinder the progress of the evil that is Darth Sidious. So Master19 sent Xarae back to Iridonia, separating her from Maul, after training her to be a senshi. Master19 is very sympathetic to Xarae and Maul, because before she became Master19, she was very much in love. She was taken away from her lover to become Master19, and can never see him again. When Xarae becomes Destiny's Phoenix, Master19's memories of her past lives are revived.

Master19 died in "The Garden of Glass Hearts"; her role as Guardian was taken over by Shitsuren/Master21, a young lavender-haired man who loves Xarae.

Name: Khameir Sarin (Darth Maul)
Stories Khameir Appears In: Check Please, Xarae's Saga, Xarae, Nightingale, Xarae, Firebird! Destiny's Phoenix Awakens!, Eternity's Bright Angel!, The Angel Of Music!; Golden Roses: An Angel's Wedding
Meaning: unknown
Age: it's complicated... I guess you can say he's 28 though
Birthdate: unknown
Hair: none
Eyes: amber yellow and red
Relation to Senshi: Xarae/Sailor Iridonia's husband

Even though Darth Maul is the epitome of evil to most, and appears aloof, egotistical and vain on the outside, he is really hiding a soft inner personality. He is incredibly protective of Xarae, and would give his life for her if the need arose.

After Xarae died, Darth Sidious literally brainwashed Khameir, convincing him that Xarae was a devil woman and only wanted to kill him and the Sith order. He soon forgot all about Xarae. When he died, he was brought to Destiny's realm, where his memories of Xarae were revived, and he realized how much he really loved her. He remains there, waiting for Xarae to return to him, until she defeats Darth Sidious and she finally dies. After a little "vacation" from life, Master19 returns Xarae and Maul back to life as immortals.

Name: Kirran
Stories Kirran Appears In: Spice, Memories, Black Fire Legendmaker
Age: 13
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown
Relation to Senshi: Koumi/Sailor Kessel's boyfriend

Kirran is Koumi's boyfriend from the Jedi Temple. Priire gave him her ship's code so he can communicate with them when he wants to. He knows about the Senshi (don't worry, Priire threatened him enough - he'll never tell!). He can read Koumi's mind, and is one of the only ones who can!

Name: Mugen Akarui
Stories Mugen Appears In: Memories
Age: 14
Hair: blonde; medium length ponytail
Eyes: grey
Relation to Senshi: Koumi/Sailor Kessel's childhood friend

Akarui is Koumi's long lost friend from when she was around seven. She was about the only person Koumi would speak to. When she moved away, Koumi stopped talking.

Name: Yuri Riku (last name first)
Stories Riku Appears In: Something Missing, The Day Riku Died (Almost), The Epic of the Time Key A New Addition, Family Ties, Forever's Not That Long, Grief and Happiness
Hair: auburn
Eyes: green
Height: 6'2" (about 2" taller than Ippin will be when she gets older)
Job: gambler mostly; sometimes doubles as a smuggler when hard-up for cash
Relation to Senshi: Ippin/Sailor Yavin's soulmate/boyfriend

Very much like the lovable scoundrel Han Solo, he likes to tease Ippin a lot, and doesn't get along with Priire real well. He usually only talks to her when he's worried about Ippin. He also calls Ippin Coru, and it used to annoy her. He likes jokes and likes to annoy pretty girls (he's in heaven with the Senshi). He suspects they are the senshi but no one has ever confirmed it.

Name: Kaden LeBeau
Stories Kaden Appears In: The Kirana/Kendren Story
Age: 23
Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana
Height: 6'1"
Hair color/style: dark red; a little past his shoulders
Eyes: dark blue

Kaden is wanted everywhere. He's EVIL.

Name: Kishi
Meaning: "knight" (even though he's not one)
Stories Kishi Appears In: Kaze Ga Fuku; Full Circle; Weird Science; Something Wicked
Age: 17
Birthdate: June 29
Home: Salis D'aar, Bakura
Hobbies: writing poetry, sailing
Hair: sandy blonde
Eyes: brown
Clothes: sort of like King Endymion, just not as fancy
Relation to Senshi: Annika's brother

Name: Peetie
Stories Peetie Appears In: How Uno Yoshiko Missed Her Math Class; When All Your Friends Are Superheroes; From the Pink Diary of Blue Skelly
Age: 17
Home: born on Earth; lives on Coruscant now
Hobbies: watching Star Wars and Sailor Moon
Hair: short and spiky; color varies often
Eyes: blue
Height: 5'7"
Relation to Senshi: Yoshiko's best friend

Peetie, a sort of ordinary earth boy, accidentally steps through the Space/Time Gate when he barges into the girls' bathroom at school. He ends up in the Jedi Temple, where he stays because no one can decide what to do with him.